Q&A with Principal Donal O’Reardon

Q: How Does Coaching Differ from Consulting?

Donal:  A consultant says “here is the problem, and here’s what you should do about it”. In coaching the client says “I want to work on this”. My role as a coach is then to facilitate, support and, where necessary, co-create and co-inspire strategies and solutions.

Consultants diagnose a problem and prescribe a solution. In coaching, the client determines what they want work on. The coach’s role is to help the client to generate actionable solutions and then act as an accountability partner to help ensure follow-through.

Q: How does coaching differ from therapy?

Donal: Therapy is about causes. Coaching is about strategy. Therapy asks “Why?”, coaching asks “How?”

Both are about dialogue. Therapy focuses on getting to the root of things; “why am I the person I am?, “what were the formative influences in my life?”. Coaching asks “how do I attain this goal?, “how can I avoid running into the same problem time after time?”

Coaching with us will involve psychological insights, but those insights are not used for healing, instead they are deployed in the service professional growth.

Q: How does coaching differ from mentoring?

Donal: A mentor is someone within an organization who shares their experience to help someone (the mentee) to make wise decisions. It’s also quite directional; “do this, try that.” A mentor can provide advice or insights to guide the mentee in a way that helps them more skillfully navigate specific situations, or professional challenges.

As a coach, I’m not that internal resource, nor do I have specific industry experience. I do not give advice. Coaching is more facilitative, “What do you think will work? What hasn’t worked in the past?” I work with you to facilitate better alignment, support better decisions, so you can find your way. I work with you on building the tools and strategies to better manage professional challenges ahead of you.